Wednesday 20 May 2009

Why I hate that roundabout

That 3 lane roundabout in Bandar should not have been introduced to Bruneians until AFTER they all go through a class and test to see if they are truly smart enough to use it PROPERLY. We were happily minding our own business and using the CORRECT lane (middle lane) when this stupid mothafucka comes up from the left and just goes straight when he should have entered the first junction. What a fuck. Just because he's got a big car and it's an expensive car he thinks the road belongs to him? The price of his car won't help him when his tyres get slashed hahaha. Anyways..too many stupid people out there who don't know how to use that damn roundabout properly - I really wish that thing wasn't there in the first place. So many times we nearly got hit and I've seen people stop in the middle of the roundabout one inch away from hitting each other because someone tries to take the shortcut and uses the wrong lane. Bosan lah.

1 comment:

  1. i am so scared with this roundabout too n wud love to avoid it at my best!!
