Saturday, 18 April 2009

Driver, please get off the road !!

This morning on the road to Bandar, my husband said "the car behind has her headlights on but doesn't seem to want to drive fast enough to overtake us" (cos we were initially on the right land of the dual carriageway, so husband moves to the left lane to let her pass since he thought, headlights on, must mean she's in a hurry, emergency or something). When the car FINALLY decides to overtake us centuries later, I'm like, "DUHHH it's that stupid car from work!!". Cos I've seen that license plate and car before - once I was with a colleague (she was driving) to go out for lunch, and we were on the straight lane in the parking area, and I saw this car that was driving a bit too fast, trying to exit the parking lot, so I told my friend, slow down. And good thing too, cos that silly car just zoomed into the road in front of my friend's car, real close too, totally ignoring the line on her road which means STOP AND LOOK FIRST BEFORE YOU EXIT YOU MORON. So I honked at the car, but it just continued zooming stupidly away. Probably she was in a hurry to get back home to go take a dump or something. But we saw the lady in the car!! We should've searched the parking lot after lunch and spraypainted her car with some artistic designs or something ARGH!!

Anyways back to the highway story - what was funnier was, this Dodge car came speeding up from behind, on the right lane, and had to slow down because the stupid car was STILL on the right lane and just WOULD NOT budge and get out of the way!!! Even with the Dodge practically kissing the ass of her car!! So finally Dodge had to overtake her from the left lane. Duh. I didn't manage to get a photo of that though, just the ones below.

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