Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Why I hate that roundabout

That 3 lane roundabout in Bandar should not have been introduced to Bruneians until AFTER they all go through a class and test to see if they are truly smart enough to use it PROPERLY. We were happily minding our own business and using the CORRECT lane (middle lane) when this stupid mothafucka comes up from the left and just goes straight when he should have entered the first junction. What a fuck. Just because he's got a big car and it's an expensive car he thinks the road belongs to him? The price of his car won't help him when his tyres get slashed hahaha. Anyways..too many stupid people out there who don't know how to use that damn roundabout properly - I really wish that thing wasn't there in the first place. So many times we nearly got hit and I've seen people stop in the middle of the roundabout one inch away from hitting each other because someone tries to take the shortcut and uses the wrong lane. Bosan lah.

Monday, 18 May 2009

Guess what car this is? Part 2

Jeng jeng jeng this one is a hard one!!

Friday, 15 May 2009

Guess what car this is? Part 1

If you're smart, then guess what car this is. Come on..take a guesssss

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Akhlak rosak


Again, The Mall seems to bring together so many stupid and disgusting people in one central place, for my pleasure of photographing (I need a better quality camera phone) and uploading onto my blog. This time I wanna talk about how sick I am of having to bump into local girls who think they are sooo sexy and cool by dressing like hos and cheap pieces of meat. It doesn't help that we have the chinese girls who dress even worst - do they think that this is US or something? This is BRUNEI - have some respect for the people who don't really wanna have to accidentally see your exposed thighs or chests. If you don't like that rule, then don't live here. Simple. Use that money to buy more thread instead of buying more make up. At at the same time, get some self-respect and a brain.

Oh and also...the guys who walk around with girls like these are ALWAYS those that act all big and if their gfs are the hottest things around. But these guys are as stupid (if not more) as the girls - cos who in their right mind would be proud of something so cheap who everyone has "seen" and probably has been "around" alot. I'm just saying!

How the hell do I blow up this picture on blog. Arghhh it all goes so small!

Ahh the loving couple

girl: "Honey, I don't wanna be here, let's go somewhere else."

boy: "Sure babe. Where to?"

girl: "What about kedai $1.80. I feel so much at home there. That's where I got these hot pants and myself"

Friday, 8 May 2009

JENG JENG!!! More stupid cars..

This time I managed to take photos of two cars parked carelessly in an already tight space, not caring about how the other cars will have trouble trying to get out of the PROPER parking spaces. Ooh they are just dying to be famous!! Location: Mall basement parking..beware people! there will ALWAYS be stupid people like these especially there!!


Smile! You're on the internet

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Dirty buggers

I found another photo of a car that I took when I was annoyed. We were travelling to Bandar and this car of three guys overtook us, which was fine of course. What wasn't fine was that while they were in front of us, some egghead threw litter out of the window. I HATE PEOPLE WHO LITTER FROM CARS!!! Do they think it's nice to see shit lying around on the side of the road??

People, PLEASE teach your kids, and yourselves, to stop littering. It's just inconsiderate and stupid behaviour. We've even seen people throw whole bags of rubbish and leave em on the side of the road. And it was there the next day, and the next, and the next and the next and the get the point.

So, thank you guys in blue car for giving me another chance to display a stupid ass's car photo on my blog.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

I feel ripped off

I totally hate it when I go to a restaurant (or a shop, watever) and I order something but it comes to me not as I expected. As an example, during lunch today we went to a local restaurant in Pandan area and I ordered wet fried kuey teow, SEAFOOD. Expecting fat prawns (at least a couple), some fish and some squid maybe, for that price, what I was served was a bland tasteless and runny sauce-flooded pale kuey teow but more amazingly, I had a hard time trying to look for the prawns (good thing I bring my microscope around with me in my bag everytime I go out). No squids, just one fishball cut up into quarters. Okay I wasn't expecting gigantic king prawns but come least give me ONE Normal sized prawn.

Miniscule prawns..mmmm how juicy!!

The new Merc - one and only in Brunei

On the way home from work today I saw the "coolest" car so far this week. A new MERC!! Model? GEELY. hahaha..what a nutcase. You buy a chinese (is it chinese? I assume it is) car and you then stick a Merc logo on there - does that reaaallly make your car look cool and expensive? I suppose it does (in nutcase land). Since this guy didn't seem too ashamed of it (he even tried to chase a BMW that overtook him - did he notice that we were chasing him? ..Only so that I could get a close enough photo of that awesome shiny logo), I will be embarrased for him and hence I shall this time blank out the license plate for him.

Gotta give him a bit of respect though for having the balls to drive around like that!! But trust me, I've seen some more silly (yet, in a way, smart) "inventions" for cars. Will share that here too next time !

Oh, and of course you need to see a photo of this cool car for yourself.

I wonder how cool my car would look if I stuck a Ford Mustang logo on there..

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Driver, please get off the road !!

This morning on the road to Bandar, my husband said "the car behind has her headlights on but doesn't seem to want to drive fast enough to overtake us" (cos we were initially on the right land of the dual carriageway, so husband moves to the left lane to let her pass since he thought, headlights on, must mean she's in a hurry, emergency or something). When the car FINALLY decides to overtake us centuries later, I'm like, "DUHHH it's that stupid car from work!!". Cos I've seen that license plate and car before - once I was with a colleague (she was driving) to go out for lunch, and we were on the straight lane in the parking area, and I saw this car that was driving a bit too fast, trying to exit the parking lot, so I told my friend, slow down. And good thing too, cos that silly car just zoomed into the road in front of my friend's car, real close too, totally ignoring the line on her road which means STOP AND LOOK FIRST BEFORE YOU EXIT YOU MORON. So I honked at the car, but it just continued zooming stupidly away. Probably she was in a hurry to get back home to go take a dump or something. But we saw the lady in the car!! We should've searched the parking lot after lunch and spraypainted her car with some artistic designs or something ARGH!!

Anyways back to the highway story - what was funnier was, this Dodge car came speeding up from behind, on the right lane, and had to slow down because the stupid car was STILL on the right lane and just WOULD NOT budge and get out of the way!!! Even with the Dodge practically kissing the ass of her car!! So finally Dodge had to overtake her from the left lane. Duh. I didn't manage to get a photo of that though, just the ones below.

Friday, 6 March 2009

Use a damn zebra crossing!

There's this new road safety ad on tv lately and it's about people having to stop on the road when there are kids crossing the road etc. It even shows this scene where a "lollipop man" stops the traffic to let the people walk past. (And you can even see someone else crossing the road a distance behind the lollipop man - he's been blurred - why can't they just tape the scene again?!)

What you DON'T see is the use of a zebra crossing in that area! Now wouldn't it just be so much more easier to have a zebra crossing instead of a lollipop man there? Drivers are supposed to know they need to give way to people using the zebra crossing (well, drivers with brains that is), and at least they can see the damn thing from the distance.

Also, why can't they just make it a mandatory rule to have all schools have zebra crossings since there will always be kids crossing the roads during peak hours.
And last night I was watching the news and apparently this new housing area has a new road hump built which the local residents say is a good thing cos it stops people from driving like madmen in the area. Strangely the roadhump wasn't painted the usual yellow and black but it was just that black tarmac with a couple of white lines on the side. I thought that the bright yellow and black stripes were supposed to help make it more visible from afar. Having a black road hump in the middle of the road while driving at night where there's no lights provided is just...duh...I know I won't wanna drive in that area!

Sunday, 1 March 2009

He's backkk

Found this fit guy in the shops again hahaha Part 2!! After working the wrists you gotta work the chest !!!

Also what I found is an excellent exercise equipment to compliment your wrist and chest exercises

Monday, 23 February 2009

Forever like...

Gotta share this with everyone else...hehehe...hubby and I was at a local shopping plaza in Bandar (I'm not telling where hahaha) and there was this poster stuck in one of the old shop's window and of course it caught my eye. Check it out:

Oh yes..who wouldn't want to stay forever like virgin... huh????

Hey what's "puissance"? hahaha sounds fishy hahaha

Dummies guide to elevators

I don't know what it is but this country has too many people who are too dumb to understand the basic common sense rules of using an elevator i.e. the lift, for those of you who are one of these dummies. Rule is, if you're waiting for the elevator and the doors finally open, you let the people inside exit FIRST FIRST FIRST before trying to squeeze/barge in. The doors are NOT going to close permanently forever and ever if you let people out first, you nut! So many times have I innocently waited for the lift to reach the ground floor, waited for the doors to open and then nearly been squashed to death by a stampede of pushing children and their parents trying to rush into the elevator as if the doors were only going to be open for 5 damn seconds. What is up with these parents? Can't they teach their kids to be a bit more civilised? But then what can I expect when they themselves seem to be lacking a certain section of their brain...hmm....

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Suggestions, anyone?

This is one example of the suggestion boxes that have been supplied at nearly every service facility in the country. This picture is from the hospital in KB. Funny thing about this suggestion box that I've noticed is that it is always empty. AND it's always put in front of the workers there where it would obviously make a person feel uncomfortable when wanting to put his suggestion letter in there. It's like , dagger looks from the unsmiling staff while you nervously fold your piece of suggestion paper and drop it in the empty box where everyone can see. and make sure you fold it enough times so that when it falls in there it won't unfold by itself for everyone to read! oh and before that, make sure you MOVE the things that they put on top of the box, right on top of the drophole.. obviously they don't want you to put anything in there!!

anyways...i don't really trust these things - do they really pass the contents to authorities who can REALLY action on your suggestions?? ...hmm

Do you want wrists as strong as his?

Spotted this while browsing through the sports section of a local shop.

This guy might have strong wrists but he sure does need a new hairstyle and clothes (and what is up with the background??!)

Friday, 13 February 2009

Stupid Parkings

This afternoon me and hubby went to Yayasan mall in town, and as usual we went for the basement parking cos it was such a hot HOT day outside. And not for the first time unfortunately, we see some more cars parked at non-parking areas, in spots where it makes it harder for other cars who have parked correctly, to exit. We've been in that position once before and it was just sooo tempting to ram into those stupid cars in front. Lucky for them we still loved our car or else we really would have ahaha (ooh imagine the satisfaction from that...). I managed to take photos of these lucky ones below for reference hehe

Speaking of stupid parkings, I also must mention another good example of bad parking. This happened last month in Tutong Huaho mall. My husband, being the perfectionist he is when it comes to parking cars, had parked correctly in the parking space (the empty space in the photo). At that time the parking space on our left was empty. When we got back to our car, this stupid white Fortuner was parked on our left in a position where there was hardly any space to open the car door (I'm still amazed at how the driver managed to get out of his car - he probably climbed out of the passenger's door or something stupid like that). My husband had to reverse the car out just to let me get in the car. EEEEEEEE I was so mad I left a note on the car's windscreen. Although, I probably should have left a big crack on there instead. HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE???!!!!!